Beating the Odds

"The objective is not to become discouraged by the odds against us but learn how to maximize our win rate on the opportunities we are given."

Beating the Odds
Photo by Felix Mittermeier / Unsplash

Would you consider yourself a fighter seeking growth, or do you run from the idea of risk-taking? What do you do when the odds are against you?

The Risk Taker: nothing gets in your way. You see challenges and think there is absolutely no way you will fail. Overcoming obstacles is what you eat for breakfast.

The Avoider: avoid risks because rocking the boat of comfort and peace is not worth whatever reward awaits.

In an article by The Commerce Institute, in 2021, 5.4 Million businesses were started. This is a 22% increase from the prior year. More alarming is that only 70% of companies started won't last more than two years. For every 100 businesses started in 2021, roughly 30 are still operational. Another way to look at this is if you start a business today, there is a 70% chance of failing in 2 years.

Imagine a race against ten other individuals. You have a 70% chance of losing. It doesn't matter how fast you are, your endurance, or even your starting position. Nothing matters except that the odds are against you before the race begins. So, why would you start if the odds are against you from the onset?

Many people may view success differently, but it's not how one sees the success that creates a Warrior Mentality, it's how they view failure.

Show me someone willing to fail, and I would bet they are ambitious, self-confident, and persistent.

I love basketball and what I've noticed is that the NBA is compiled of some of the most elite athletes in the world. Every year each team of 15 or so players will compete for 82 games to make the playoffs, with the 16 best teams competing for a championship. It takes mental fortitude, a crazy work ethic, and unmatched determination to hoist a championship trophy. Why is this important?

There are 32 teams, and each has the same chance to win the championship, 3.13%. That's correct. Each team has a 97% chance that they will fail.

I'll ask again, why would you play, race, or start a business with these odds against you?

I am very well aware that the keys to success are diminishing from our culture at an astounding rate. Many individuals are confident that tomorrow is promised, another door will be opened, or we will catch the next train if we've missed today's opportunity. This has created a weak, lazy, and complacent environment where success cannot live.

We must take advantage of our opportunities because there is at least a 70% - 97% chance that you won't get another one. The objective is not to become discouraged by the odds against us but learn how to maximize our win rate on the opportunities we are given.

"Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in." -Bill Bradley

A lack of ambition is sadly a common drawback for people looking to get ahead. A lack of ambition can be a poor view of self-worth, circumstances stacked against you, or bad luck. In any case, I'm glad you are here. This could be the start of something new and stimulating, a dream lost or buried deep inside. It's up to you now, not people who have done you wrong or deals that didn't work out. What will you do? Will you fix your eyes on the future or become burdened by the past?

Will you see the odds against you or use the percentages of failure as motivation to change your thinking? A warrior mentality is not easy but can be very rewarding. You don't need to be perfect to be effective, but you need passion and persistence. See where you want to go, and don't stop till you get there. You may have speed bumps or roadblocks along the way but remember the vehicle is persistence, not perfection.

More and more people are becoming desensitized to the power and benefits of hard work, self-worth, and a proper understanding of accomplishing something no one thought you could. It takes effort and hard work to be truly successful, not success in a monetary sense - although it's the same mindset, but true mental freedom that puts you in the best position possible to achieve your goals. Don't allow what you cant do to determine where you want to go.

We must recognize that our culture is divided between those capable of success and those who do not have the tools to get where they want to be. I hope to encourage this community and show that it is possible if you are willing to do the work. Suppose you know someone who would benefit from these posts, share this with them.

I love you all.

-Josh | Josh Gannaway | Beating the Odds | Persistence